TO :

Established in 1989, the investment advisory arm of Capital Dynamics provides independent, objective and comprehensive advice through i Capital. Published in English and Chinese, it is available in print and via the Internet.

Why i Capital is Different

  1. 1. A Humble Claim

    We do not claim to be 100% accurate. We are certainly not. What i Capital aims to achieve is contained in the following advice:


  2. 2. A Sound Framework

    So, instead of pretending that we can be 100% accurate, i Capital provides investors with a sound framework. What is our investing framework? It is built upon very comprehensive analysis.

    To arrive at our advice and recommendations, we analyse foreign economies and stock markets, interest and inflation rates, bonds and commodity markets, market psychology, in addition to the local environment. i Capital provides a clear perspective of how markets interact and how this interaction influences your investment. It translates the significance of events and interprets them in terms of the market. We study PE ratios or Return on equity or Wilder's RSI, for example. But we are neither chart fanatics nor pure fundamentalists.

  3. 3. Read us Anywhere

    Since 1989, i Capital has been available in print with the Internet edition available since 2002. Clients get to read our advice anywhere, anytime even when your battery runs out.

  4. 4. We are Bilingual

    Since 1989, i Capital has been providing its investment advice in English and Chinese, the world's two most popular language.

  5. 5. We Are Naked

    Take a look at our current stock ratings. In i Capital, we hide nothing, whether the beautiful or the ugly. The date and market price when a particular stock was first rated is clearly shown. For stocks where we have rated a Buy and a Sell, we have a separate list of such recommendations, which is available for free.

  6. 6. Appropriate Asset Allocations

    i Capital provides asset allocation guidance, a topic that is very often overlooked by investors to their own detriment. Why? No investor has the ability to consistently predict the top and the bottom of the stock market. An appropriate asset allocation recognises this weakness in timing buy and sell decisions. As a result, having the right asset allocation can be an important factor in determining one's investment performance.

  7. 7. Investing or Trading made simple

    i Capital has 4 regular portfolios to suit different investment objectives and time horizons. All the investor or trader has to do is to follow precisely the actions taken by the relevant portfolio. Investing and trading cannot be made simpler.

  8. 8. Precise Definitions

    Precise and consistent definitions of immediate, short, medium and long-term are given and used in i Capital. In fact, the same definitions have been in use since the first issue of i Capital in 1989.


Capital Dynamics Portfolio

Capital Dynamics Portfolio or Section C was started on 5th September 1991. This portfolio is meant for longer-term investors.

Period MSCI Malaysia EMAS Section C
Sep - Dec 1991 1.51 -1.57 7.41
 1992 11.19 15.33 15.75
 1993 113.48 136.77 125.88
 1994 -24.86 -26.08 -22.21
 1995 3.37 -1.48 14.38
 1996 23.86 24.40 33.69
 1997 -51.62 -56.51 -15.55
 1998 -5.60 -2.82 3.31
 1999 48.08 40.46 77.98
 2000 -17.25 -22.59 -1.91
 2001 2.26 3.42 10.58
 2002 -2.66 -4.83 15.72
 2003 23.12 24.37 50.57
 2004 11.81 9.56 -1.87
 2005 -2.06 -4.86 -8.07
 2006 24.25 - 74.50
 2007 32.68 - 98.16
 2008 -40.77 - -41.29
 2009 46.25 - 28.90
 2010 19.33 - 14.65
 2011 -0.2 - 1.27
 2012 6.84 - 11.72
 2013 11.58 - 4.47
 2014 -7.57 - 1.17
 2015 -4.73 - 9.67
 2016 -2.53 - 4.47
 2017 9.24 - 9.14
2018 -6.99 - -8.01
 2019 -6.13 - -0.79
 2020 -1.66 - 4.47
 2021 -7.27 - 26.45
 2022 -4.32 - -8.05
 2023 -3.19 - 24.51
 2024* 12.82 - 15.95
* From 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2024
Compound Return (% Per Annum)
(Sep 1991 to Dec 2024)
Section C 13.26
MSCI Malaysia 3.08

i Capital Global

This global portfolio is supervised by Capital Dynamics. The objective is capital appreciation and the emphasis will be on medium and long-term investments. It started with US$100,000,000 cash on 4 January 2007 and will invests in 43 stock markets spread over 5 continents.
% Return
1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024
Section C2 3.49
MSCI A 15.73
MSCI Malaysia 12.82
Compound Return (% Per Annum)
Jan 2007 to Dec 2024
Section C2 0.61
MSCI A 4.70
MSCI Malaysia 1.24

C D Timer

The C D Timer was started on April 7th 1994. This portfolio is meant for medium-term investors.
C D Timer Return (%)
Period MSCI Malaysia EMAS Section D
Apr - Dec 1994 -0.41 2.85 1.46
 1995 3.37 -1.48 12.93
 1996 23.86 24.40 47.93
 1997 -51.62 -56.51 -39.14
 1998 -5.6 -2.82 29.65
 1999 48.08 40.46 56.54
 2000 -17.25 -22.59 -11.14
 2001 2.26 3.42 8.54
 2002 -2.66 -4.83 3.33
 2003 23.12 24.37 22.32
 2004 11.81 9.56 24.40
 2005 -2.06 -4.86 -1.64
 2006 24.25 - 56.54
 2007 32.68 - 79.69
 2008 -40.77 - -22.37
 2009 46.25 - 22.93
 2010 19.33 - 26.37
 2011 -0.2 - 7.33
 2012 6.84 - 22.09
 2013 11.58 - 3.44
 2014 -7.57 - -0.35
 2015 -4.73 - 5.39
 2016 -2.53 - 4.52
2017 9.24 - 11.04
2018 -6.99 - -11.40
2019 -6.13 - -1.22
2020 -1.66 - 0.39
2021 -7.27 - 18.58
2022 -4.32 - -8.68
2023 -3.19 - 28.72
2024* 12.82 - 25.21
* From 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2024
Compound Return (% Per Annum)
(Apr 1994 to Dec 2024)
C D Timer 11.29
MSCI Malaysia 1.36

2nd Chance

The 2nd Chance portfolio was only started on December 7th 2000. This unusual portfolio is a result of the brutal honesty and demanding standards that we impose on ourselves. Thisportfolio caters to regaining losses from previous transactions we have previously advised.

Section D2 was set up to assist our subscribers who may have followed our stock selections that have subsequently not worked out. The value of The 2nd Chance Portfolio has reached the original cost of RM80,000 for the second time. The portfolio is now closed. There will be a new "The 2nd Chance Portfolio" set up to help subscribers who may be holding some new dead ducks. The objective is to recover principal. In the subsequent weeks of i Capital, it will select this new batch of dead ducks. Stay tuned.

(End Oct 2014 to Dec 2024)
MSCI Malaysia -19.64
2nd Chance 34.00
Compound Return (% Per Annum)
(Oct 2014 to Dec 2024)
2nd Chance 2.92
MSCI Malaysia -2.13

Eclectic Trader

The Eclectic Trader's portfolio is meant for short-term investors and was intentionally started in the frenzied period of late 1993, to be exact, 1st of December, 1993. While one may argue that its returns are only at par with fixed deposits, one has to remember that since 1993 almost all traders or speculators have either lost heavily or have been wiped out.
Eclectic Trader
Return (%)
Period MSCI Malaysia EMAS Section G
Dec 1993 24.85 28.10 40.82
 1994 -24.86 -26.08 -6.46
 1995 3.37 -1.48 -2.83
 1996 23.86 24.40 4.75
 1997 -51.62 -56.51 -22.51
 1998 -5.6 -2.82 -1.58
 1999 48.08 40.46 57.10
 2000 -17.25 -22.59 -27.00
 2001 2.26 3.42 5.85
 2002 -2.66 -4.83 13.28
 2003 23.12 24.37 32.32
 2004 11.81 9.56 25.08
 2005 -2.06 -4.86 -21.26
 2006 24.25 - 55.62
 2007 32.68 - 36.92
 2008 -40.77 - -28.58
 2009 46.25 - 20.12
 2010 19.33 - 14.41
 2011 -0.2 - 2.07
 2012 6.84 - 2.01
 2013 11.58 - 1.65
 2014 -7.57 - 2.70
 2015 -4.73 - 2.12
 2016 -2.53 - -1.86
2017 9.24 - 5.12
2018 -6.99 - -5.99
2019 -6.13 - 19.67
2020 -1.66 - 18.69
2021 -7.27 - 2.75
2022 -4.32 - -13.01
2023 -3.19 - 9.75
2024* 12.82 - 1.77
* From 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2024
Compound Return (% Per Annum)
(Dec 1993 to Dec 2024)
Eclectic Trader 5.84
MSCI Malaysia 1.15

This is a list of previous recommendations that we have rated a buy AND a sell. In other words, the positionn is closed. In contrast, the list of ratings in any current issue of i Capital is where a sell rating has not been issued yet and the position is still open.

There is a list of over 150 completed transactions including those in the SGX and HKSE stock markets.

To view a list of Completed Transactions, you can download a PDF file containing all the latest data.

Completed Transactions


We believe that successful investing involves 3 "i"s - Independence, Intelligence and Integrity. Why? Here are the reasons why investors often perform poorly or fail to achieve consistent success from their investments in the stock market.


Capital Dynamics is an independent fund management and investment advisory house. We are not affiliated with any financial institution, stock broking companies, political or government organisation, preventing any possible conflicts of interest from arising.


Capital Dynamics does not act on tips, rumours, and hearsay, but only an intimate knowledge of investments, based on intelligent and objective analysis. Our research is independent and we have our in-house team of professionals to analyse companies, industries, markets and economies first-hand.


While it sounds abstract, Capital Dynamics believes that integrity will in the long run show in the investment returns our clients receive. Without integrity, independence and intelligence have no meaning.